
On this page I provide an overview of my writing. What I like to write varies from essays on technology, philosophy and media, to pieces of fiction in genres such as sci-fi and fantasy.


The Cowboy Bebop jazzhop mix that makes me nostalgic for Finland 2024-03-01
Rethinking economics workshop at CCC 2024-01-04
Anarchist technologists on a hot summer day 2023-07-08
Calisthenics and bouldering 2023-01-03
Coffee adventures in Amsterdam 2022-05-24
From frisbee happiness to future memories 2022-05-24
The four films I saw at IDFA today 2021-11-26
The difficulty of categorizing cuisines by country 2021-08-24
Exploring the life vibes of Simon Sarris 2021-05-15
The dystopian mindlessness of living in a single room 2021-02-08
Twelve photos from Stockholm 2021-01-07
On Coomaraswamy and art 2020-12-23
Urban exploration on campus 2020-11-03


The tale of the dark historians 2023-09-29
On life under AI-perpetuated capitalism 2023-08-01
Cuisine d'amnésie 2022-07-25
Hiro and the Vatican psychedelic conspiracy 2021-05-31
Fictional abstracts 2021-03-16
Flyn's space opera 2018-12-26

Flash fiction

Rise Bakery 2023-03-19
Dementia 2023-01-19
Artificial culinary consciousness 2022-01-16


For very short thoughts I wanted to publish somewhere. Most recent snippet:

From Arthur Eaton's De analyticus in De Groene Amsterdammer this week:

Eerlijkheid, consistentie, bereidheid tot vergeving. Het zijn allemaal belangrijke ingrediënten van vertrouwen in een relatie, maar de belangrijkste zijn kennis en begrip. Kennis over jezelf – je eigen zwaktes, sterke punten – en kennis over de ander. Om die te krijgen moet je heel precies kijken en luisteren. Niet alleen naar de ander, ook naar jezelf.

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