
I did my Master's in Security and Cloud Computing at Aalto University and KTH. Frankly, the people, life, and adventures there might have taught me even more than the professors. Before my Nordic life, I finished the Computer Science Bachelor at the Eindhoven University of Technology in my home country, The Netherlands.

Let me increase the dimensionality of my personality. I love to read books and short stories (mostly science fiction and fantasy, but I do enjoy good non-fiction work from time to time). I like to think that I enjoy writing, but dedicating myself to the craft proves to be non-trivial. The amount of good content being published makes it too easy to slip into a comfortably passive mindset sometimes, instead of making the effort to create something oneself.

I enjoy cooking meals from around the world, because it allows me to, quite literally, get a taste of humankind's cultures. I'm actually writing about this project. Photography gives me the visual satisfaction that I am left craving while studying computer science. I enjoy the game of Ultimate Frisbee and I like to practice calisthenics. Oftentimes, I can also be found hiking through nature or cities. I record small soundscapes of some of the places I've traveled to.

Me during summer in Finland. Actually, standing in front of the building on top of which I did my morning meditations, Otaniemi campus, 2021.

Me during summer in Finland. Actually, standing in front of the building on top of which I did my morning meditations, Otaniemi campus, 2021.

Now that we got the human stuff out of the way, let me present you a résumé-like overview of my professional and academic timeline.